Classic Beauty, Alive with Color, Paint & Passion!

Student Feedback

Pat Fiorello

"A+ Thank you!

Terrific event today for Day One of your 4-week on-line class series, “The Essentials of Painting Flowers in Oil.”

Pat, the explanations you gave were extremely helpful, especially since you put so many lessons together and built a compelling story about the consideration factors in a painting, why certain choices make sense in certain situations vs. others, and how all the techniques work together. It was a Flower Painting in Oil "101" but on steroids. 

 I learned a lot, even though I've been painting in oil for many years. The Powerpoint lesson upfront was a good tool to show visuals which we then applied in the “hands on” painting studies.

 I could tell you put a lot of time and attention into making today's lesson power-packed. There's no doubt that what I'm learning in this course will improve my artwork going forward. Thank you! "

 -Sandy G. Zoom Class Student

“The workshop with Pat never disappoints! I just signed up for 3 more of them and will look forward to some time every month with Pat.”

-Zoom Class Student

“I've had the pleasure of attending a variety of Pat Fiorello's workshops. Each was well organized to meet the stated objectives, but more importantly, I had a lot of fun. Pat invites her students to watch her demonstrations at close range, which creates a relaxed learning environment. She brings great enthusiasm to her workshops and challenges her students to experiment in order to grow as artists. Along the way, Pat shares what she has learned about color, composition, brush strokes and the varied characteristics of watercolor. The individual attention I've received has improved my skills and confidence. I think anyone can teach technical proficiencies, but it is a rare, talented leader who can truly provide inspiration, and create excitement around getting the paint out of those tubes. That is the difference Pat brings to her workshops.”

-Laura G., student, Atlanta, GA

"I found Pat to be an excellent teacher--she wasthoroughly prepared, complete with handouts and examples of the material she presented, and her instructions were clear. She exhibited patience, good humor, and excellent, creative ideas for improvement as she went from person to person while the class worked. Good teaching is rare and I am happy to recommend her."

Carolyn McDade

"I would highly recommend a watercolor workshop by Pat Fiorello. I learn so much from her ;not only because it is inspiring to watch her work as her painting is beautiful. I also learn a great deal because she is so able to articulate her ideas in ways that I can understand and she provides structure that I can hang onto in order to grasp specific concepts such as color, value and design.I thoroughly enjoyed painting from my photographs of Greece with her guidance and even sold one that I put in a student-teacher art show!"

Michelle Baird

"I've had the pleasure of attending a variety of Pat Fiorello's workshops. Each was well organized to meet the stated objectives, but more importantly, I had a lot offun. Pat invites her students to watch her demonstrations at close range, which creates a relaxed learning environment. She brings great enthusiasm to her workshops, and challenges her students to experiment in order to grow as artists. Along the way, Pat shares what she has learned about color, composition, brush strokes and the varied characteristics of watercolor. The individual attention I've received has improved my skills and confidence. I think anyone can teach technical proficiencies, but it is a rare, talented leader who can truly provide inspiration, and create excitement around getting the paint out of those tubes. That is the difference Pat brings to her workshops."

Laura Guilfoyle, Atlanta, Georgia

"Pat Fiorello - She is an outstanding painting instructor. To say it in one sentence "She gives you clear cut, step by step, guidance towards the class topic". I have been completely amazed at the outcome (I created) from her detailed instruction. She is GREAT!"

Cindy Sir - Spruill Art Center

"Pat Fiorello is an excellent teacher. I had not painted in watercolor for 10 years and her class brought me back up to speed with greater skills and techniques than I had before. Her demonstrations and encouragement are extraordinary. Her teaching skills are geared toward any level student."

Arlene Barnes

"Pat, great class. You really did show us 'beginners" that we can, in fact, paint!I certainly enjoyed the class and look forward to more in the future."

Beverly Lowry

"Of all the painting classes I have taken, Pat Fiorello's classes were by far the most enjoyable.Her enthusiasm and love of watercolor painting is positively contagious and she generously shares her knowledge of the subject. Her upbeat personality and attention to each individual made each class experience a pleasure."

Beth Thomas

"Pat Fiorello's instruction and leadership has been invaluable in my growth in developing my artistic skills. Her teaching abilities, interactive classroom approach, and one-on-one skills are what I feel make her so uniquely well-suited to leading students to their personal goals. I have greatly enjoyed my lessons with Pat, immediately seeing the positive results in my artwork, and I look forward to the next opportunity of gaining more of Pat's wisdom and vision in my art journey through my time in her instruction."

Chuck Dunlop, Smyrna, Georgia, USA

"Pat, thank you so very much for the wonderful watercolor class. I, along with many in the class, have never attended such a comprehensive class with such a "complete" instructor. You not only taught by demonstration, instruction and advice (three strengths rarely found in one person), but also were such a source of enthusiasm and inspiration. You helped me personally by easing my fear of green and trees, and also by helping me to "see" good composition. Before the class I had felt that I reached a dead-end with painting, but am now eager to plow on. I even bought sepia to improve my value paintings! Look forward to taking a class with you again sometime in the future."

Erna Cottile

"Pat is an excellent instructor. Her handouts are very professional and cover all of the key bullets of the class for future reference."

Irene Bledel

"I enjoyed your class and felt that you were very knowledgeable and helpful.I am impressed with the amount of time you have spent learning and practicing the art of watercolor. Your suggestions were very helpful."

D. Hart

"Pat was a great instructor! As a beginner with watercolors, I wasn't sure how I would ever get started with such a new painting medium. Pat broke down the supplies, the methods and the steps to create a wonderful painting that I was proud to show off! And, best of all the tips and tricks that I learned stay with me even now as I continue to explore the world of watercolors. She's a wonderful painter and an even more incredible (and fun!) instructor. I'd love to take more classes from her in the future!"

Carrie Beth Swisher, Norcross, GA

"The workshop (Painting Landscapes in Watercolor) was great! Pat knows everything about watercolor painting-every aspect-and she is able to teach it in very understandable terms. There was a nice flow to each day."

Participant -NJ workshop

"I enjoyed the class immensely. I loved the demonstrations. They were very informative. You gave us loads of very useful information which I haven't heard before. The class was very well organized and very thorough."

L. Kasavi

"Pat, Thank you for giving us a full 2 days. Often teachers cut day 2 short. Thank you for a working lunch and being a serious teacher. So often teachers are more about "giggle" than "learn". For the first time, I actually learned and had fun. A truly excellent class and I'm a tough evaluator. This was absolutely the best painting class I have attended (and I have attended art school). It could only have been enhanced by being longer."

C. Sanes

Pat's workshop was well organized- it built from basic to advanced. It built on layers of knowledge.

Participant- NJ workshop

"Pat's workshop offered distinct instruction, layered learning, varied specific skills with time to practice, lots of individualized help, clear demonstrations. The critique at the end was really helpful. This course more than met my expectations, it exceeded it. I felt VERY comfortable."

N. Mail, Red Bank, NJ

"Pat's workshop was well organized, relaxed. Offered a full range form basics plus addressed techniques and philosophy. Affirming,. Pat is able to explain anything easily, demonstrates aptly, stays focused, relaxed. There was an effective mix of demo and painting time. Good personal coaching at all /each students level."


"Pat is an excellent instructor for the following reasons: patience with students, excellent demonstrations, works individually with students, flexible, excellent lesson plans and class outline. Pat is well prepared and would make an excellent instructor for an overseas workshop."

Bob Herbert (Retired Public School Teacher)

Pat, You are a wonderful teacher. I am so glad that you left the rat race behind and found your calling. I for one gained so much knowledge and I look forward to being a student in all of your classes.

Jennie Odom

"Pat, I want to let you know how much I enjoyed your class. I can truly feel how much you put into your class to reach all of your students. I am a beginner, as you know, and I look forward to all that I can continue to learn. Most of all, the joy of seeing the world and everything in it so totally different fills me everyday. It is exciting."

Wanda Walston

"Pat , I just had to tell you how much I have enjoyed your classes!! You are such a good teacher and you make it really, really fun!! I have learned so much from you. I am looking forward to your workshop in August about painting from travel photos. Pat you are an inspiration, and a wonderful artist! Thanks for all you do!"

Valee Penn

"Pat, Blair and I wanted to thank you for the wonderful painting classes this past month. It has been one of the highlights of our week. You are so helpful and inspirational and the people in the class were such fun. I was glad to hear that a lot of them ( 9 including us) have signed up to the next class."

Jane and Blair Buckler

I attended Pat's "Art for Non-Artists" watercolor class about a year ago and it was a revelation. In one day, I learned everything I needed to know to get started and make continuous process with this medium. Pat taught us about color blending, brush strokes, texturing with materials like kosher salt, composition, combinations of wet and dry brushes and paper, and materials. I continue to progress with watercolor painting, thanks to the foundation I received in this class.

Neville Carson

"Pat, the workshop today was a most valuable experience for me! I thank you for sharing your teaching talent, your expertise and extensive experience as an artist. In addition, your wonderful outlook on creating art as a joy in life is infectious. I am encouraged to put your valuable ideas nto practice for myself. I hoop I'll have the pleasure to see you again in the near future."

S. Sligh

"I very much liked that you brought supplies to class so all we had to do was show up! For someone who struggled just to find time for a workshop, and was a bit intimidated by the long lists of expensive materials that many of the other instructors required, this was such a gift. I also liked the way that you structured the day -- morning for skills, afternoon for a team painting exercise. What else can I say? It was easy and fun to be in your class and thank you so much for getting me started on a very fulfilling journey."

Debbie Lazicki

"As a first time painter, I found Pat Fiorello to be an excellent instructor. She made me feel comfortable and motivated me to try despite my lack of experience or confidence. She excelled at breaking the process down into manageable steps, so that it felt easy to succeed. She provided the right amount of information to understand what we were doing without overwhelming us with facts. Most importantly, she designed the class so that we would leave with a finished piece of artwork, which to this day I view with amazement and pride. She made the entire experience enjoyable and opened my eyes to my artistic potential. Any organization would be privileged to have an instructor with her talent, passion and ability to connect with students."

Verona S. Eaton, Marketing Maven Consulting, LLC

"Even though I did not come with much knowledge or ability in painting,I Fiorello about the basics of watercolors. How to compose a scene, how to plan for proper perspective, and how to work with colors are three of the main benefits I took away, and I even have found ways to use these concepts in my work as a writer.The atmosphere of the class was very enjoyable as well. People of different ability levels were learning together, and everyone felt comfortable. As Pat coached and critiqued each student's work, her emphasis was on praising strengths, and the corrective suggestions were always positive and encouraging. The total experience was very beneficial to me as a novice. I heard much more experienced artists in the class say the same thing."

Lea Agnew , Writer

"Pat, thanks for all your wonderful help this past year with the watercolor classes at Binders, Sandy Springs Art School and the private classes. As you know, I had not painted since college and I'm now 58. I'm so grateful that through you I have been able to "fast track" into watercolor. Also, I wanted to mention that I am getting great reviews from other artists and have sold some of my work. You are always so organized with the information. Your methods and instructions are the very best!"

Brenda J. Hinton

"I have had two of Pat's classes and thoroughly enjoyed both. As a non artist, she made me feel I really could do water colors which I have continued to enjoy. I hope I will have the opportunity to have other classes with her soon."

Margaret Talmadge

"I took a basic watercolor painting class from Ms. Fiorello in the Spring of 2006 and really enjoyed it and learned so much.I would highly recommend her as an instructor in this area. Her class was well organized and interesting and she provided adequate personal time help to each student.I hope to be able to take another class from Ms. Fiorello in the near future."

Carolyn Kelly

"As a new artist I took Pat's class "Art for Non-Artists" and truly came away feeling like an artist. More recently I took her workshop on "Understanding Color".  I've taken several watercolor and drawing classes with different instructors but Pat has a unique way of involving each student and making it happen for them. Everyone in her class seems to reverberate from her energy and her love of art. She has a gift and enjoys sharing it with her students."

Twinkle, Atlanta Georgia

"I took a one-day seminar on understanding color taught by Pat at one of our local art stores. I can honestly say, I have NEVER learned so much in so little time in any class or experience I have had. It gave me tools to continue my learning on my own and inspired me in ways I continue to carry with me. I can't wait until my next lesson/seminar with her. "

Teresa Williams

"I took a one-day "Art for Non-artists" seminar with Pat that included learning the basics of color theory, water color painting techniques and tools, and required the students to complete a painting that day. What I liked most, aside from the excellent and thorough instruction, was that Pat completely debunked the myth that one must be born an artist, which I think many people believe. She told us how she unintentionally discovered her love for water color painting, showed some of her early work, and talked of the development of her art over the years to a level which has allowed her to leave corporate business and make a living off of her art work. I was inspired and hopeful that I could perhaps learn to paint as well, and have gone on to take more classes and begin painting more extensively in my spare time. Pat is an excellent teacher to whom I give credit for starting me on the road to painting."

Chris DeVinney Atlanta, Georgia





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Site Deisgn by: Studio Carolyn, LLC Copyright © 2002-2024 Fiorello Art and Design, LLC. Last modified: May, 2024

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